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Body Transformations

Intensive 1 to 1 training sessions, designed with optimal support to ensure all of our clients hit their targets fast.

Find out more about TeamFresh Body Transformations below.

What are body transformations?

Body transformations are intense forms of personal training, extra personal and extra intense. If you want fast results, find out more below and get in touch.


Our body transformation packages consist of 4 1-2-1 sessions per week with one of our qualified personal trainers.

Every person is different, and so are their goals… That’s why our plans are specifically designed to match you and your needs!

What's included?

We don’t just offer 1-2-1 sessions in a transformation, we also take body measurements, weight and before pictures that will be recorded down into your own personal portfolio, so we can compare the huge differences and progressions you will have made at the end of your journey!

What should I expect?

You can expect to see drastic changes in your appearance, mindset and lifestyle by following the programmes tailored specifically to you, and with your 100% dedication, we can assure you that this will be life-changing, both mentally and physically!

Previous Transformations

Take a look at our past client’s transformations and get in touch for more information.


6 Week


6 Week


12 Week

Body Transformation Packages

Ready to meet the new you? Book your package now!

6 week body transformation

£ 600
  • 4 1-2-1 sessions per week
  • Training programme
  • Before and after measurements
  • Diet plans

12 week body transformation

£ 1000
  • 4 1-2-1 sessions per week
  • Training programme
  • Before and after measurements
  • Diet plans
SAVE £200
